My truth. My life.




It had been 10 years since I walked through the doors of the old high school. I wasn’t sure how I made it through the four years I had to be here, so I wasn’t quite sure why I was about to enter the doors again on my own free will.

After months of encouragement from my friends, hair and nail appointments,training and anything else I could do to make myself look better, I agreed. I was almost positive I could survive one night of reminiscing about my non eventful high school career. The thing I was having the most problem with, however, was the chance that I might run into Jeff.

Jeff was every girls dream in school. He was quarterback on our football team, and he would melt you with his smile. He was all of that, yet he was my best friend.

I didn’t date anyone serious in high school so I was considered a threat to anyone that Jeff was dating. Even though we both stood our ground that we were only friends, and that wasn’t going to change. The girls would eventually break up with him and blame it on me.

It continued this way all 4 years.  Things changed on graduation night.  We both were attending the same party and decided to drive together.  I was leaving a few days later for New York and He was leaving to go to California.  It was a night to celebrate.

We partied,drank,danced and laughed until about 2am, then we decided to call it a night.  On the drive home I realized that he had turned down the dirt road that ran behind our houses.

“Jeff,  did you forget where we live?”  I felt the butterfly’s in my stomach as he pulled the car over.  The next thing I knew his lips were on mine.  It was a kiss I had always imagined and wanted.  It was perfect.

That was the last time I saw him, that is, until tonight.


1: to remain alive after the death of
2: to continue to exist or live after
3: to continue to function or prosper despite : withstand

Please remember:
Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
The word itself needs to be included in your response.
You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
Only one entry per writer.
Trifecta is open to everyone!! Please join us.

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49 thoughts on “nerves

  1. You’re gonna finish this story, right?

  2. You guys are meant to be together !!!

  3. Oh the suspense! How will things go?

  4. Noooo! You can’t leave the story right there.

  5. *continues scrolling ineffectively* Where’s the rest?! … In other words – good job! 😀 Look forward to hearing the rest 🙂

  6. I hope next week’s word prompts you to continue. A 10 year intermission – is the time right? I look forward to the answer.

  7. Can’t wait to see how it all turns out. Great job grabbing the reader’s attention. I have been known to have a less than perfect attention span when it comes to reading things that don’t grip me right from out the gate. Bravo.

  8. This is fabulous! Can’t wait to read more.

  9. Ah, the base problem with reunions…cute teaser

  10. Ok, I’m in. Where do I get Chapter II? It was great the way you set the scene returing to the high school. It brought me back to similar experience.

  11. I hope there is a happy continuation to this story. 🙂 This is like the opening to a romance movie. 🙂

  12. I can’t believe you’re gonna leave us hanging! (Okay, yes I can….and I’d totally do the same thing if given the chance :lol:) Well, I can’t wait to see what happens when they meet again!

  13. Oh I hope there’s a part two, three four etc! Loved this!!

  14. …… and then? This is a story that needs finishing. I enjoyed it a lot.

  15. What an interesting take,Deana & like all other die hard romantics,I too am looking forward to the rest of the story:-)

  16. Draug419 on said:

    Ah, I wish her the best of luck at the reunion! (:

  17. kymminbarcelona on said:

    Oh, those kisses with butterflies!

  18. Awesome set up!! Total wish fulfillment!

  19. Oh, the anticipation. Where will this lead?

  20. Pingback: Pull yourself together « MY THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT ARE AS FOLLOWS

  21. I am as giddy as a schoolgirl reading this 🙂

  22. Hi,
    I borrowed your trike and pasted it on my blog: With a story inspired by your tale and photo, which reminded me of one of the characters in “The Trike.”

  23. Pingback: Crossing the street « MY THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT ARE AS FOLLOWS

  24. Feel as if Iwant to be part of this ‘challenge’ . Gripping!


  26. Pingback: Well, maybe not « MY THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT ARE AS FOLLOWS

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