My truth. My life.

Finally, she was home




The sun was setting when she finally arrived home.  I had been waiting for this moment for 102 very long days and I refused to leave the window until I saw her.  When she pulled in I could see that she had a huge smile on her beautiful face.

For a moment, that smile took me back.

The first time I held her and kissed her little face.  The first time she reached her tiny arms out to hug me.  The first time she said “I love you most.”.  I remember every moment with her like it had just happened.  As the tears filled up my eyes like they did at least once a day since she left for school, I wondered once again where the time went.  How is it that my little baby was old enough to be in college?

I heard her car door close before I realized that my husband had already made his way out to her and was swinging her in his arms.  She laughed loudly and squealed “Put me down!”  Her laugh still melts my heart.

After what seemed like hours of hugging and crying we sat down to listen to her stories.  The one about the old van up on blocks that her friend was fixing up for next year’s summer road trip worried me a little, but the rest of them kept us rolling with laughter.

For the next 2 weeks I had my baby back.  I could tuck her in at night, cook her dinner and do her laundry.  Finally, She was home.


This is a fiction piece done for The Speakeasy.

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59 thoughts on “Finally, she was home

  1. What a wonderful story. It lends itself to a book!

  2. Awwww I love that

  3. Great take on the prompt!

  4. Aw, what a warm and fuzzy story! I like the way you managed to write in first person given the prompt. I think you were the only one who did that!

  5. Nothing like a homecoming. For both parties.

  6. Thats’s great. You are already thinking 18 mos. ahead, aren’t you? I hope she stays close enough to get to come home some….for all of you. But it sucks everytime they have to go back then. A was 2 hrs away, J was 4. and those were pretty good. It’s a bitch, but you’ll make it.

  7. Oh, a little lump in my throat…. I couldn’t help but think of my daughter as I read… Oh, tears welling up, and beautiful images skipping across my mind…
    That was beautiful, Deana…!

  8. Aw, this is beautiful Deana! It’s amazing how fast they grow up — and how they are always our babies. Heart-warming and lovely use of the prompts!

  9. Oh, this is so sweet. My babies are still in primary and middle school, but I know those days will be here faster than I could ever imagine and this is how I’ll feel.

  10. I adore every bit of this. More please 🙂

  11. Coming home never sounded as sweet as this 🙂

  12. You are a typical mum thinking already 18 months in advance, but I know how you feel. I have written about the leaving in my book and how even looking at my eldest daughter’s washing brought me to the floor sobbing, knowing I wouldn’t be washing her clothes anymore. Now she is married and doing it herself…but a mother grieves when her child leaves the nest, you sadly will be no different. This is a lovely piece Bo and to think you even said cooking and doing her laundry..took me back to what I wrote. May you never refuse to look through the window 🙂 x

  13. A sweet happy story 🙂

  14. This was a great take on the prompt. Loved it.

  15. That was so sweet but true as we will always see our children for children even as they grow in some way we are taken back to the memories of watching them grow.

  16. way to work in that van – and then move on

  17. Aww, how sweet! And I’m glad that they all enjoyed her break — I spent several breaks from college not wanting to go home because I was having too much fun elsewhere.

  18. Do lots and lots of her laundry! I really like this 🙂

  19. That made me misty. Another great piece!

  20. A sweet empty nest story.

  21. Pingback: winner of the speakeasy at yeah write #103 | the speakeasy at yeah write

  22. Beautiful feelings that (I guess) only a parent could know…
    but moving none the less, to those that don’t!

  23. This right here… exactly, like that.

  24. Sigh… so poignant, so bittersweet. I don’t want my children to grow up and yet they have to grow up. You touched one of my ‘fears’. 🙂

  25. Congratulations on winning and I can see why. This is so wonderful and touching. My oldest daughter starts middle school this fall and I’m a nervous wreck. Great piece. Children do grow up so fast.

  26. Sarah Ann on said:

    You can’t beat a mother’s love, or ever stop her worrying. A lovely story Deana.

  27. Deana, I just discovered this beautiful post, and I wanted to say how much I loved it, and how it brings tears to my eyes. My daughter is also 17 and will go off to college in just under a year and a half. Having her leave home will be the hardest thing I ever have gone through, because we are very close and I’ll miss her. Thank you so much for writing this, and congrats on a very well deserved win, too. Valerie

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