My truth. My life.

You know you want to….


One Girl

A fiery red head

full of determination and talent.


One band

A group of friends that

each seem to have different dreams.


One love

Trying to hard to

change her and convince her to

sell out.


One goal

To be a household name.


The Ballad of

Helene Troy


This is written for Ketchup With Us:

Mel  and Michelle

(I know this book has already been done, but since I know the author (personally) I wanted to do it anyway)

Ketchup With Us

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11 thoughts on “You know you want to….

  1. Lance on said:

    Thank you sweetheart! You supported me through dark times writing this. Thank you for the cheerleading.

  2. First, I bought this the day it was released. I started it, but then my reading kept getting interrupted by life. This is top of my reading list for summer. It begins June 7th. That way I can give it a solid review with details and examples. 🙂

    Second, you are wife of the year. And the way you wrote it up makes me even more excited to read it!!

    So proud of both of your recent initiation into published author hood. Xo

    • Awe, thanks! I actually really loved this book. I did not read one word of the story until I held the actual book in my hand. I wanted to get the full experience. I cant wait to hear what you think of it.

      Thanks for the kind words! You are a great friend!

  3. I think it’s awesome that you reviewed Lance’s book. I bet there was also a pretty blonde behind the scenes too.

  4. Okay. This book is the only one that got TWO recommendations. So CLEARLY it is the best book recommended.

    Plus I can introduce you to its author which, frankly, makes ME feel very important.

    You guys are awesome. Thanks for playing again, D. 🙂

  5. I think it is so awesome you guys both write. My husband is supportive but doesn’t really “get it” – at least not until the money starts rolling in… which strangely has not happened yet… 🙂

  6. This is great promotion of the book! It would’ve been perfect for the jacket summary 🙂

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